Games as Study Aids
This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on July 27, 2020. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Studies show that many students do a poor job of
This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on July 27, 2020. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Studies show that many students do a poor job of
“I am just terrible at writing,” she says. “I have always been terrible at writing. I just cannot write well. That is why my grades
Student plagiarism occurs in different disciplines and in all years of study (Holt, 2012; Wang, 2008). Plagiarism in colleges and universities is concerning (MacLennan, 2018).
As we begin another semester in which pandemic stress activates fight or flight responses, we may ask ourselves, Will we find a way in which
It goes beyond tired, doesn’t it? It feels like exhaustion—physical and psychological. Perhaps you are not sleeping or eating well. Perhaps you have bouts of
In a world where the need for social and emotional learning is of utmost importance, it is imperative for college and university faculty to get
In the fall of 2018 in the United States, there were roughly 19,600,000 students enrolled in distance education courses (National Center for Education Statistics, 2022).
In his personal writings, Marcus Aurelius wrote, “People who labor all their lives but have no purpose are wasting their time—even when hard at work.”
Are you ready to devote three days to recharge your batteries and level up your classroom competence? At the Teaching Professor Conference you’ll meet with
Quick: what is your favorite class to teach? Chances are this is not a particularly tough question for most faculty to answer. If you are
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