The NPR Model of Teaching through Storytelling
This article first appeared in The Teaching Professor on April 1, 2019 © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Nearly all dedicated NPR listeners have had the
This article first appeared in The Teaching Professor on April 1, 2019 © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Nearly all dedicated NPR listeners have had the
As writing instructors, we often see students with rigid ideas about what writing is “supposed” to look like: Topic sentence here. Quote Sandwich there. Five-paragraph format to tie
The “Sandwich Method”—a layer of praise, one of critique, followed by a final layer of praise. This method has been a staple in college classrooms
Dear Fellow Educators, As we near the end of another semester, I sense a rise in activity and busyness across campus. The stress is starting
High impact practices (HIPs) have been in higher education for nearly two decades and include practices that are effective for a wide range of students,
How can we boost student learning retention in our courses? How can we help our students transform newly acquired information into long-term knowledge they can
Crafting an effective teaching experience parallels the art of carpentry as both require a diverse and well-equipped toolbox. Just as a carpenter needs various tools
Just as spring brings the promise of new life, the new year brings hope for a new beginning. It provides an opportunity to identify aspects
Calvin and Hobbes has been my favorite comic strip ever since I discovered it in my youth. The comic strip was unique in its visuals,
I began my teaching career in August of 2001. Over the years, I have seen countless instructional plans, new technologies, supposedly groundbreaking research, and have
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