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Teaching online for the first time is a little like trying to drive a car in a foreign country. You know how to drive, just like you know how to teach, but it sure is hard to get the hang of driving on the left side of the road. You’re not quite sure how far a kilometer is and darn it if those road signs aren’t all in a different language.
If you’d like to better understand the “rules of the road” for online teaching and learning, 10 Principles of Effective Online Teaching is the perfect guidebook.
This report is free when you sign up for Faculty Focus, a free newsletter with effective pedagogical techniques to bring with you to both the classroom and online!
This insider’s guide to teaching and learning in the online classroom includes:
- 7 Strategies to Promote Community in Online Courses
- Tips from the Pros: Retrieval Practice in Online Teaching
- Convey Your Online Teaching Persona
- Designing Effective Team Projects in Online Courses
- Ten Online Teaching Tips You May Not Have Heard
- What We Can Learn From Unsuccessful Online Students
- What Do Students Really Want From Online Instructors?
- The Art and Science of Successful Online Discussions
- Using Bridge Questions to Teach Technical Content Online
- A Mini Guide for Fixing Anything That Can Go Wrong in the Online Classroom
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