FERPA and Social Media

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. G Andrew

    Thanks for this timely article. It is important that educators at all levels are proactive with this knowledge about the use of information and communication technologies and not wait until the safety of a student is jeopardized before reacting. Cybersecurity and privacy violations such as identity theft, cyber-stalking, phishing, etc, are valid threats to students' digital presence. As mobile computing and the use of Web 2.0 technologies become more ubiquitous, the privacy and well-being of students needs to be TOP priority. Here's a valuable link with specific tips promoting computer readiness: http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/tips/

  2. Leroy Cothran

    This article is very informative. The restrictions are very similiar to other program such as medical. However, there are ways to get around it. As professional of education, I believe we are to use common sense on this matter and not go overboard with the liberty we do have when it cone to grades, student personal files and other information that is not for the general public. In using comunication tools for learning there are established method of communication without viloating FERPA.


    While I agree with policy suggestions, I disagree with much of your article. FERPA also protects biometric data. Thus when ever a student appears in social media their voice and facial features could be recorded and used to later identify them. Secondly: "FERPA defines "education records" as "those records, files, documents, and other materials which –
    (i)contain information directly related to a student; and
    (ii) are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution."
    When you have student's post on YouTube, YouTube is acting in the place of the institution.
    The peer graded work was wrongly cited since it dealt with students seeing the graded work while in the classroom, not outside of it. However FERPA applies to students work outside of the classroom. Two other important items were left out. First, students own the copyright on their work, in most cases they don't sign it over to the college upon enrolling.

  4. Home Education

    Great article. Very clear, relevant, concise, and worth awareness. Thanks for the information.

  5. Bill Augman

    This article confirms my thinking about FERPA. It tries to protect both faculty and students.

  6. Roger Evans

    It seems that FERPA may need to be revisited as social media continues to evolve and change. What is available for all learners through social media is gaining an increasing percentage of learning material, and while much of it is useless, an engaged professor can sort through all of the mess and point his/her students to the data that is actually helpful.

  7. Aleena Jakson

    Nice article and you give some useful information.

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