Effective Teaching Strategies: Six Keys to Classroom Excellence

students working college classroom

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. R Hirt

    Thank you. These points are precarious factors, a mentor should not overlook nor take it lightly.

  2. Pete Holden

    I might also add non-judgmental class control and discipline along with strict time management so the class period has no "dead time."

    1. Bhawana.

      My point of view is that – a strict time management strategy would be – "regimentation" and would not have scope for the student to participate in the learning process.

  3. suchita kale

    These Points are very helpful to all teacher and should follow these in their teaching work

  4. deskjett6

    .In my opinion students will thrive in an environment that is structured with expectations. These six points are the blueprint for effective teaching no matter what the grade level. A well-managed classroom can achieve so much more if there is structure.

  5. Nchimu

    In my view, all six are very useful and I could relate to all one way or another. From experience, having exemplary conduct outside the classroom is also very vital for teaching success.

  6. Hafeni Job

    The 6 keys are very important and any teacher can use some of them or even intergrate the whole set. My question is, can someone please help in giving the difference between teaching and effective teaching?

  7. anwar

    these 6 keys are very important in teaching process. thank alot

  8. Phylis P.Lumayna

    THANK YOU FOR POSTING THESE KEYS TO CLASSROOM EXCELLENCE.I believe that it serves as a guide to those students who are taking up Education course.It plays a vital role in teaching profession.

  9. bipin

    its really worthy and educating to the new teacher and it will guide them to further in their profession.

  10. KnowledgeSeeker

    The concept of learning styles puts an emphasis on the learner, making teachers rethink their insctruction to try to maximize student achievement. The learning styles theories should be developed to a point that every student would have the right to have an option on how they access new learning material and how they are evaluated. http://www.androidfamily.net

  11. elle

    Really good view something for me to look at when i am looking for strategies for teaching

  12. Dr Dharmasa

    It is (100% teacher's-direct role [Indirect role Management+Supporting staff etc]+ 100% Students[ Indirect role Perent+Relative + Friends]) leads 80 to 90 % gain expertise on the subject.



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